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TSAV8 2019 highlights & insights

Writer's picture: Yael ShanyYael Shany

TSAV8 to Barcelona 2019: HiTech Diplomacy brainstorming in action 5G, Ai, mHealth

The pre-MWC event gathers a diversified elite attendance of investors, banks, multinationals, tech companies and promising startups * Inspired by AWS demo, Elad Health announced they are now considering implementing AWS Ai into ELAD solutions for the digitalization of Israeli hospitals.

TSAV8, held for the 11th year, is a leading annual event aiming to bridge nations through innovative entrepreneurs, building bridges for collaborative mutual growth. It calls high-tech leaders to be ambassadors of their technologies, ecosystems, cultures and nations.

The 2019 conference focused on growth strategies for international collaborations and economic inclusion in three key fields:

· Ai

· 5G

· mHealth

TSAV8 was hosted by Harel Ifhar, AMAZON Israel Country Leader, at the new AWS offices in Tel-Aviv, and saluted Shlomo Tyran, who back in the early 1980's, led the computerization of Israel entire public health sector.

Among attendees: Dov Moran, David Asia, Sefi Ziv, Liat Sverdlov, Ourcrowd, Noga Kap, i3 vc, Roseline Kalifa Orange, Niv Korach, Eva Ventures, Michelle Specktor of IPgallery; Ronlight Health (Garmin) and more. Multinational representatives: INTEL, IBM, SAMSUNG , DELL EMC, APPLE, SONY, Ronlight Health (Garmin), AMDOCS, IRONSOURCE, WIX, ; AMOBEE, NESS, POWTOON. Nearly half of the Israeli exhibiting startups at MWC, and in addition startups in relevant fields, of cyber security, smart cities, health and mobile health, Ai, big data, fintech and blockchain. All Israeli banks attended to tap in the tech trends and meet startups, and among foreign banks: Julius Baer, and ION Pacific. Among startups:; CallaPP; m-BIOS; Sixgill; Ability; Wonderep; CyberRed; Ideeza; Exaware; WiseSense; Galileo Satellite navigation; Caligenix; PillTracker; Guardian optical technologies; AbiliSense; MakesReality; Newsight Imaging; EyeControl; aciist;; Evenovate; COTI; mobile crypto; ourboox; water.IO. Among Hubs: Hybrid; Smart City Israel; Mobile Monday Israel;

Yael Shany called guests to view the day as their own story to bring the world: "You carry the mission to drive the transformation of converging technologies, multidisciplinary innovation and inclusive economy- worldwide".

Dr. Ayal Shenhav declared the paradox that just as Israeli companies became more focused on scale up and growth, (rather than pursue an exit), "the Israeli ecosystem is at a double risk: The USA’s regulation against foreign investments (especially China’s) are changing the Israeli tech ecosystem, as Israeli founders incorporate their businesses in the US, hence drain the local pull of companies. In addition, the changes to Israeli tax laws, (exemption to Corporate VC’s and funds with foreign anchor investors) threatens inflow of investment funds".

"Ai is becoming possible unlike ever before, as now it enables machines generate new knowledge".

Prof. Tishby, one of Israel’s founders of deep learning, reviewed the evolution of Ai over the years: "It took almost 40 years for Ai to evolve from statistical tools, capturing patterns, fitting data to formulas. However, it was not capable to create new knowledge. Only since the late 2000’s and the introduction of since neural networks approach, Ai is becoming possible unlike ever before, as it enables machines to generate new knowledge". Prof. Tishby also claimed machines will always need humans to learn from, and humans need to seek science before running to innovation.

Mooly Eden challenged Prof. Tishby by saying: "today actually technology innovates faster than the academia".

5G extends into verticals, 5G devices commercialization in 2019 first quarter, Israel needs to catch-up

H.E. Ambassador of Sweden Magnus Hellgren stated: "Sweden has a somewhat partial chaotic education culture, enabling us to lead in creativity." He mentioned the Swedish government promotes 5G and Ai, and acknowledged that the Swedish innovation authority Vinnova was inspired by the Israeli Innovation Authority." During MWC, among the meetings at Ericsson hall, we held a meeting with Vinnova rep. towards collaborations.

Merav Weinryb, challenged the 5G session speakers to prove 5G influence on vertical markets, extending mobile to change entire industries.

Alon Berman, Country Manager, Ericsson Israel, reviewed global 5G market stated that the US and South Korea are currently leading in 5G implementation. He also stated that by Q3 2019 5G devices will be available in the market. In reference to AWS live demo of Ai implementations, by Boaz Ziniman, Alon commented "the mobile devices are now capable of simultaneous translation thanks to 5G".

Assaf Touboul, VP Technology, 5G & Machine Learning, Qualcomm, shared his views regarding AI Neural Systems advantage of identifying the essential information to be processed and explained: "5G and Ai are a perfect match: Ai enables communication systems to communicate only critical information, as Ai filters out irrelevant information and compressing the transferred data.”

mHealth is pivoting through the Ai-5G-IoT, Israel Blue Ocean, Mutual growth collaboration with Netherlands

H.E. Ambassador Gilles Beschoor Plug presented the Netherlands health sector boasting the highest concentration of medical companies, hospitals and other players. Additionally the Ambassador promoted the Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC) founded in 2016 and headed by Dr. Racheli Kreisberg. IDIC aims at developing innovation cooperation between Israel Netherlands in mHealth.

Sharon Cohen, Partner, Life Science & Health Care Industry Leader at Deloitte, presented Deloitte’s new report on Clinical/Digital trials, identifying 50 Israeli startups capable of claiming leadership in this "blue ocean", and added "within a year this number will triple". (see map).

Gil Adato, VP, Head of New Business Developments & Connected Value Propositions (Digital Health) at Philips (Amsterdam, NL), compared the pivoting strategy of the global healthcare market to Games Of Thrones: "1. By 2025, the world's population will increase by 1 billion people with more elderly people and chronic patients than ever and an ever growing shortage of medical professionals, but only 3% of health spent is allocated to prevention. The prospects for handling these challenges are like going into battle with the white walkers without dragons… however in this case, our dragons are digitalization and mobile consumer engagement, which are enabled & further augmented by IoT, AI & 5G."

Full presentations and more information contact:

Yael Shany


Left to right, standing: Merav Weinryb, Qualcomm; Ambassador of Netherlands, Gilles Beschoor Plug; Sharon Cohen, Deloitte; Yoash Trokman, Shlomo Tyran Foundation; Alon Berman, Ericsson; Herzl Arviv, HiTech Ambassadors; Irma Kuperman Dabar, Israel Sweden Commercial Chamber; Prof. Naftali Tishby; Rami Efrati. Sitting: Yael Shany, Mooly Eden, Elad Tiran. Photo Credit: AdPure
Left to right, standing: Merav Weinryb, Qualcomm; Ambassador of Netherlands, Gilles Beschoor Plug; Sharon Cohen, Deloitte; Yoash Trokman, Shlomo Tyran Foundation; Alon Berman, Ericsson; Herzl Arviv, HiTech Ambassadors; Irma Kuperman Dabar, Israel Sweden Commercial Chamber; Prof. Naftali Tishby; Rami Efrati. Sitting: Yael Shany, Mooly Eden, Elad Tiran. Photo Credit: AdPure

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